Vaughan House Greenhouse

I have a confession to make... I am a sucker for a good Facebook Group. Whether it's The Kindness Pandemic, The Cool Dog Group & my all time fave, The House Plant Hobbyst.
A few months ago a lady named Megan Vaughan posted photos of her Greenhouse, and I quite literally fell in love... I changed my wallpaper on my phone and added it to my future wedding inspo album - haha . So, I slid into Megan's DM's and demanded she tell me everything about herself and her dreamy Greenhouse that she and her hubby had created. It was then I found out that this Greenhouse was not only picture perfect, but was created with great intention and healing.
Living in view of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, Megan, her husband Mitch and two children; Maximilian and Marigold, jokingly considered themselves 'black thumbs'. They lived in a home entirely plant free, until they sadly had a miscarriage. It was at that moment they decided that they needed plants... lots of plants! Each time they received a negative test, they would go to a nursery, Home Depot or Lowe’s and get more plants.

In June 2017, Megan woke up with an idea. Greenhouse.
"I want to build a greenhouse. So we did. We designed it ourselves. It's not a kit just anyone can buy. We were outside for 7 months, just the two of us, placing each individual piece with our own hands. Our fingerprints are pressed into the wood. Our blood, sweat and tears are mixed into the foundation. I've touched every single leaf and petal of every single plant and flower that calls it home. The greenhouse is an extension of my heart and soul. It shows us that there is good that comes from the bad and is a reminder of God's promises and His Perfect Plan."

"It's so much more than just a greenhouse. We found out we were pregnant with our rainbow baby the day it was completed. We found out the gender inside it's walls. Our family visits it daily and we play beneath the leaves. Couples have started their forever here. It's grown to be so much more."

Tucked within the trees, it's a truly magical place that brings joy, reflection and healing. It's also a one-of-a-kind space for photographers and artists to work their creative magic and for couples to begin their forever. 
You can follow the Vaughan House Greenhouse on Instagram
Or head to their website to see more of their dreamy wonderland.

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